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Project team


Coordinator and Partners

Kulturring in Berlin e.V.

KUL is a non-profit association, established in 1994, in the cultural & educational sector in Berlin. KUL focuses on local cultural events. The Media Education department was established in 1996 and focuses on exploring use of video within education – as a motivating factor for young people and as a help to foster media competence. KUL has been involved in a number of EU projects.

Kulturring website

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Department of Engineering and Mathematics

The university was founded in 1971 and serves approximately 10,000 students on three campuses. Jörn Loviscach, the Bielefeld member of the vidumath team, is a professor of technical mathematics and computer engineering. He is well-known in German-speaking countries for his more than 3000 YouTube videos on mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. His research interests comprise blended learning and media production software.

Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences website 

Queen Maud University College for Early childhood Education, Norway

A private college situated in Trondheim, Norway. Our main aim is to educate teachers within the field of early childhood education and care.

Queen Maud University website

Kindersite, Chester, UK

The Kindersite team have expertise in in leading EU project dissemination campaigns and contributing too many other areas of the projects, especially were efficient communications are required.

Kindersite website

University of Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Mathematics

The university is one of the oldest in the world founded in 1290. It now has 8 Faculties on 3 campuses. Many buildings are classified as World Heritage Sites, including, The Joanina Library.

University of Coimbra website

32 SOU “Sv.Kliment Ohridski” School, Sofia, Bulgaria

Is a primary and secondary school in Sofia, Bulgaria with over 2,000 children and is an extremely popular school n Sofia with an excellent reputation for academic achievement. 95% of students entered universities after matriculating from the school.

32 SOU website